Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First time shopping with family

Today i'll be going to jakel, pkns and SACC in shah alam to look for bj nikah and my family clothes.

just pray that it's not going to be a nightmare since i'm going with mom and big bro. This is going to test my patience and we'll see how far I can go.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Shopping spree part 2

There were a lot of bargain today in sunway but the stuffs were not in the list so i couldn't buy it. The bf bought my perfume set and I am so happy with it. At first I wanted to try other perfumes but in the end I got my signature smell. None of them suits my personality except JLo LA Glow but the set was only consist of a perfume and body lotion so I don't want it.

Anywhoos...I got the fiance a watch since he doesn't want a belt and wallet so I got him a watch instead. Surprisingly the price was wayyyy below than what I expected so it was a really good purchase.

Yesterday I got the fiance a jubah like what he always wanted. The funny thing was the seller thought the fiance wanted to further his studies as tahfiz.

Tomorrow I'll be going to klcc to look for my perfect bag! wish me luck!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

In the making of shopping spree part 2

Mommy called yesterday to remind me go kursus kahwin and do the medical check up that is required for nikah and i was like x__x

Then she start asking me about the stuffs that i bought and i honestly think that she would be please with it..but boy i got it wrong. There's more stuff that she expects from me so i thought of going to shah alam straight away. In the end, I did not go because I was caught up in reading these...

my new text books =)
I'm going to shah alam tonight with the fiance and i'm going to update my shopping spree part 2 soon!

Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Getting married at 23

why do you want to get married at such an early age? x nyesal ka klak? sygnya mok kawen awal n etc...it gets to the point where it becomes annoying. let me clarrify myself once and for all and if anyone ask me the same question, i'll just ask them to read this post.

ZINA. That is the thing that i want to be far from. If you think zina is about having sex then i think you should go back to school and retake your exam.

l have been trying to keep myself from zina as best as i can but it's hard to be free from it when you have a special someone. It's hard to resist the temptation of going out with him and not holding his hand. It's impossible to say NO for a date. So regardless of the prayers and doa, i admit that i am not free of zina so that is why getting married is the best option.

This decision wasn't made in a day. I have been engaged for three years and in those years, there has been a lot of ups and down. I have learned to be more patient. I know my weakness and we have seen the things that we don't like about each other but i accept his flaws and i hope he accepts mine so i think everyone should respect my decision of getting married.

If you're worried about my career, i reckon you to stop. It's not like you're giving me a job if i don't get married so why gago? I have plans and i'm working on it. InsyaAllah rezeki ada di mana2 as long as you do it with a good heart.

On the part where i don't get to enjoy anymore cause now i'm chained by my husband. Let me tell you one thing about my fiance. Out of all my relationships so far, he is the most understanding bf eva(i sound like a kid here but nvm). I have never been in a relationship for more than 3 months and that is also with him when we were in high school. Average duration of my relationships are between 2 weeks to a month. So you can see how good he has been treating me. Plus i can't wait to travel around the world with him!

Last but not least....MONEY. Many people lovessss to say this. 'if it were me, i would wait so that i'll pay for my own wedding and i wouldn't be using my parents money and burden them'. Unless you're getting married at the majlis islam and sign the paper only, i doubt you're gonna get married even in your 30s and it would be a HUGE LIE if your parents don't contribute at all (i'm act referring to someone here).

As for me, i am blessed to have my parents. Who would be stupid enough to say no when they are offering the ticket to be with someone you love for the rest of your life? I do have my part of contribution but i don't think i need to clarrify myself to that extend.

My point is....instead of giving harsh comments, why not give me a little support? Help me with how I should prepare myself to be a wife and so on.

I hope with this post, everyone can respect my decision on getting married. The only people who can comment on this is my family and close friends. So if you're not in this circle of people then i think you should just keep it to yourself.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Shopping spree part 1

Welcome to the new blog. Since wordpress is such a pain in the arse, i've decide to return to my old root and that is here. My wordpress is dunzo so there's no need to go there.

These are the things that i bought so far =))

For my room in kch =)

For our new home

I love it everytime he uses this perfume

An unexpected shopping haul..hehhe

Shoe for solemnization =)

Top view

Side view

Clothes for majlis bertandang

Shawl from Hajra

His clothes and samping for majlis bertandang